I’m delighted to announce the publication of a new edition of Contemporary Music Review on Musical Materialisms, guest edited by myself, Prof. Isabella van Elferen (Kingston University), and Dr Sam Wilson (Guildhall School of Music and Drama).
The edition contains a fascinating selection of articles:
JACOB MALLINSON BIRD - The Cyborg Queen: Lip-Syncing and Posthumanism in ShayShay’s ‘Mutual Core’
LIZA LIM - An Ecology of Time Traces in Extinction Events and Dawn Chorus
LAUREN REDEAD - Vibrant Echoes: A Material Semiotics of the Voice in Music by Iris Garrelfs and Marlo Eggplant
FLORIS SCHUILING - (Re-)Assembling Notations in the Performance of Early Music
LUC DÖBEREINER - Materiality, Contingency and Emergence of Compositional Material
IAIN CAMPBELL - Sound’s Matter: ‘Deleuzian Sound Studies’ and the Problems of Sonic Materialism
I’m really proud of this volume - with huge thanks and appreciation for all my fellow editors and authors! I hope you enjoy it too!