In a time of international emergency, this feels like somewhat insignificant news - that said, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I was absolutely thrilled and excited to have been included on a new release from the London Symphony Orchestra. Their new disc Panufnik Legacies III contains my piece but today we collect ads (2008, rev. 2018), came out today and it available on Spotify, Amazon Music, as well in physical format (via the LSO’s online shop).
Conducted by the masterful François Xaveir-Roth, my piece features alongside work from composers Ayanna Witter-Johnson, Ewan Campbell, Cevanne Horrocks-Hopayian, Donghoon Shin, Alex Roth, Patrick Giguère, Sasha Siem, Bethan Morgan-Williams, Michael Taplin, Benjamin Ashby, and Joanna Lee. Huge thanks and praises to the entire LSO team involved - it really was an amazing thing to be involved with.
I’m currently preparing a little bit of writing about the task of revisiting and revising the work, which I’ll post on this site in the next week or so.